NET platform to developers
1. Language Independent
2. Interoperability and compatibility between applications
3. Easy migration from existing technologies
4. Full support for standard technology in the Internet platform
Core technology. NET
1. . NET Framework
2. . NET Building Block Services
3. Visual Studio. NET
4. NET Enterprise Server
Advantage. NET
- Multi Language
- No.. DLL Hell
- Strong Typing and Type Safety
- Cross Platform Possibility
- Code Once, More Application
ASP.NET INTRODUCTIONfile extension =. aspx
ASP.NET technology:
1. Access to. NET Framework is a powerful and consistent
2. The use of the full range of programming languages
(VB.NET, C #, J #, etc)
3. Web Control 4. code Behind preparation
1. XP/NT/2000/Vista + OS Windows Internet Information Service (IIS)
2. Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0
3. SQL Server 2005 Database
4. Editor: Visual Studio / Visual Web Developer 2005
- Directives
- Code declaration blocks
- Code render blocks
- ASP.NET server controls
- Server-side comments
- Server-side include directives
- Literal text and HTML tags
<% @ Page Language = "C #"%>
Type a.l Directive:
Page Defining attributes of ASP.NET pages, such as the type
programming language in use.
Wearing imported namespaces.
Link registers ASP.NET page with user control.
<% @ Import Namespace = "System.Web.Mail"%>
<% @ Register TagPrefix = "uc" TagName = "footer" Src = "footer.ascx"%>
Code Declaration Blocks
<script runat="server">
MySub void ()
'Code here
</ script>
<script runat="server" language="C#">
<script runat="server" language="C#" src="mycodefile.cs">
<script runat="server">
Void Page Load ()
lblMessage.Text = "Hello World";
</ script>
ASP.NET Server Controls / Web Controls
<asp:control_name id="some_id" runat="server" />
<asp:Label id="Label1" runat="server"> Label </ asp: Label>
Server-Side Comments
<% - Declare a variable and set the value of posts -%>
Server-Side Include Directives
<! - # INCLUDE file = "myinclude.aspx" ->
<! - # INCLUDE virtual = "/ directory1/myinclude.aspx" ->
Literal Text and HTML Tags / HTML Control
<% @ Page Language = "C #"%>
<script runat="server">
protected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "Hello";
</ script>
<title> Example ASP.NET Page </ title>
</ head>
<form runat="server">