IIS version
IIS is available in several versions and operating systems as follows:
1. IIS 1.0 for Windows NT 3.51, which is available as an extra
2. IIS 2.0 for Windows NT 4.0
3. IIS 3.0 for Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3
4. IIS 4.0 for Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack
5. IIS 5.0 for Windows 2000 (Professional and Server)
6. IIS 5.1 for Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Media
Center Edition
7. IIS 6.0 for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional
x64 Edition
8. IIS 7.0 for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista (Issue
Business, Enterprise Edition, and Ultimate)
9. IIS 7.5 for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7
IIS features
1. Integrated with Windows NT in full (security system,
auditing, and NTFS permissions).
2. Fully supports the HTTP protocol version 1.1.
3. Already includes the FTP protocol.
4. Limited support for the SMTP protocol.
5. Support for the NNTP protocol.
6. Support for SSL security protocol.
7. Can be used as a platform where web applications running,
by using Active Server Pages (ASP), ASP.NET, Internet Server API (ISAPI), Common Gateway Interface (CGI),Microsoft. NET Framework, Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript), JScript, and some scripts that can be installed languages such as Perl or PHP.
8. Allow web applications to run as a process isolated in a separate memory space to prevent an application to create other applications crash.
IIS7 will not be able to read the PHP script, because it was made for IIS7 working with ASP.Net language. So that IIS can read the script PHP then you have to install PHP on windows first.
The following sequence of steps.
IIS security
Criticism addressed to IIS early edition is much vulnerability (vulnerability) is in it, especially for
CA-issue 2001-19 which has been exploited by the worm Code Red. However, in version 6.0 and 7.0 now has no problem with this kind of vulnerability. In IIS 6.0, Microsoft chose to change the behavior ISAPI handler is installed previously, which is suspected to be the source of security problems in version 4.0 and 5.0, so as to reduce the potential attack against IIS. In addition, IIS 6.0 adds a feature called "Web Service Extensions" that prevents IIS to run any program without explicit permission from the administrator. In the latest version, version 7.0, a component in IIS also now have so that only the required components are will be installed by Windows, so as to reduce potential attacks. In addition, IIS 7.0 also offers features security as URL Filtering that can resist certain URLs based on rules defined by the user.
1. Download PHP installer file in the address: http://php.net/downloads.php Should you choose the type of file installer. Exe so that the installation process will be easier.
2. Next run the installation file as you install the software in Windows.
3. On the Web Server Setup, select IIS FastCGI and then click Next.
4. On the Choose Items to Install, select all features and click Next.
5. Follow the wizard next and wait until the installation process is complete.
6. After installation is complete you can begin to open the IIS console by using IIS Manager. IIS Manager can be accessed from the Administrative Tools or it could be a quick way is to click the Start Button and typing IIS. onsearch list that appears, click on the option Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
7. Next will appear IIS interface. Click on the option Handler Mappings.
8. Click the Add Script Map
9. The next dialog box will appear as Add Script Map The following picture.
Explanation in the dialog box are as follows:
- Path Request: Extension will we add, in terms of This of course php.
- Executable: File php-cgi.exe which are at folder wherein PHP installer there.
- Name: Enter the name freely or leave it default.
10. When finished click the OK button. If the alert dialog box appears, click the Yes button to ignore.
11. Next is to add a default document in IIS (assuming the default document does not already exist), ie by clicking Default Document option.
12. In the Action, click Add and then type in index.php. This works for IIS read the default document index.php bias.
13. Next try to create a file with the name: phpinfo.php fill in the script:
<? php phpinfo ();?>
And save it in the folder: wwwroot
14. The final step is open your internet browser and access to the address: http://localhost/phpinfo.php
15. If the browser already appear as shown below This, then install PHP on IIS7 has been completed and successfully.