MySQL is an implementation of the relational database management system (RDBMS) that is distributed for free under the GPL (General Public License). Each user can freely use MySQL, but with restrictions that software should not be used as a derivative of a commercial nature. MySQL is actually a derivative of one of the main concepts in the database that have been there before; SQL (Structured Query Language). SQL is a database operation concept, especially for election or selection and data entry, which allows the operation of the data is easily done automatically.Reliability of a database system (DBMS) can be determined from the workings of his optimizer in the process of SQL commands made by the user or application programs that use it. As the waiter database, MySQL database supports transactional operations and non-transactional database operations. In the non-transactional mode of operation, MySQL can be said to excel in terms of performance compared waiter database software competitors. However, in non-transactional mode there is no guarantee on the reliability of the data stored, therefore non-transactional mode is only suitable for the type of applications that do not require data reliability applications such as web-based blogging (WordPress), CMS, and the like. For system requirements intended for business it is advisable to use a transactional database mode, it's just that as a consequence the performance of MySQL in transactional mode is not as fast as the performance of the non-transactional mode.
MySQL features
As his case or other software applications, MySQL also has its own features, among others, as follows:
- Relational Database System. As with any other database software on the market, including the MySQL RDBMS.
- Client-Server architecture. MySQL has a client-server architecture where the server is installed on the MySQL database server. MySQL client can reside on the same computer with the server, and can also communicate with other computers over a network server even internet.
- Know the standard SQL commands. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language standard that applies in almost any database software. MySQL supports SQL versions of SQL: 2003.
- Supports Sub Select. Start MySQL version 4.1 has support select in select (sub-select).
- Supports Views. MySQL supports views since version 5.0
- Supports Stored procedure (SP). MySQL supports SP since version 5.0
- Supports Triggers. MySQL supports triggers on version 5.0 but still limited. MySQL developers promised to improve triggering capabilities in version 5.1.
- Supports replication.
- Supports transactions.
- Support for foreign keys.
- Available GIS functions.
- Free (free download)
- Stable and robust
- Flexible with a good variety of programming Security
- Support of many software development community is quite fast.
If you want to create a website that requires a database as data storage media, then you can also use MySQL. The following way.
1. Download MySQL Installer at address:
2. Next run the installation as usual to complete.
3. At the MySQL Server Instance Configuration, select Configuration Details so you can directly set the MySQL configuration.
4. On the set of the Windows options, check the Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH, so aim directly add Path in Environment Variables.
5. On the set the security options, specify the MySQL password (user = root).
6. The final step is execute and wait until the installation is complete.
7. Until this point MySQL should be in use.